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Monday 10 January 2011

The Farewell

It’s been quite a long hiatus.

Since my last entry, much has happened. Closure to 2010 was certainly not how I expected it to be, but as I age, gain wisdom and experience more, the flash back for the year wasn’t just about how much was accomplished or gained in the year anymore. It was about how 2010 was lived.

2010 had been a very eventful year -- A very good friend (now family) discovered her pregnancy of “phoenix” twins; I left my job for “family pastures”; I started dabbling in online business/blogging; J and I got married; I saw Europe for the first time in my life; I moved and adapted to T-eeny town; Dad got diagnosed with some heart complications; and as bad as the year's closure can get, I lost a friend.

Who would have thought, that at the tender age of 27, one could have a heart attack. As they frequently highlight these days, it gets younger and younger. A hard worker, dedicated leader, and very giving friend, we got to know each other in our first year of college. In the same foundation class, he was quiet, but yet when he opened his “golden mouth” (we then called it), he was full of humorous sarcasm which cracked us up.

Years went by and we completed our tertiary education. Hardly hanging out anymore, we met only during the wee occasions of Chinese New Year and few little outings. Though rare and few, I appreciate the memories of how he, Gwen and I used to sit together at the dinner tables.
The day I received news of his passing was just a day after my return to KL. Call it coincidence but I’m sure God planned it in such a way that I was able to at least see my friend for the last time before he was laid down to rest.

The whole incident was an eye opener. That we should never take people around us for granted. Certainly, his passing wasn’t the first ever in my life, but it sure was one of the least expected.
Cliched as it may sound, life is short. A person may have only a month more to live, but if it was lived to the full, it was a life well lived.

I’m sure he’s well taken-cared of now. Farewell to our one and only Ching Hwee Yeung (24 February 1983 – 17 December 2010). Gwen and I are gonna miss you this CNY Dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful post on HY. He will be dearly missed not just by his family but his friends too. He talked about you often, envied you that you get to fly around for work. Take care and keep in touch. Cherish people around you.
